Committed to helping your institution find the most feasible, affordable, and sustainable path to accreditation

Custom Services

Check out our custom consulting services designed to meet the needs of educator preparation providers (EPPs) at any stage of their CAEP accreditation journey.

Don’t see something, just ask.

  • Feeling lost in addressing all or parts of the CAEP accreditation process? Schedule a free 20-minute consultation with JAM Educational Group. We can help you and your EPP assess your needs and provide strategies/recommendations to inform your CAEP accreditation efforts.

  • We provide independent audit services for your quality assurance systems, assessments, surveys, clinical practice models, stakeholder engagement, InTASC alignment, data collection practices, and evidence files to identify potential areas for improvement (AFIs), stipulations, common reviewer questions, missing data, incomplete processes, and inefficiencies. Our expert team provides guided steps to address potential issues and can work with you to develop custom solutions.

  • Do you need support in engaging your faculty and other stakeholders in the CAEP accreditation process? Whether you’re at a large Research 1 institution or small teaching-focused institution, we can work with you to promote collaboration and participation in the accreditation process, including writing the self-study, analyzing and acting on data, participating in your quality assurance system, or preparing for your site visit.

  • JAM Educational Group can review your self-study report drafts to provide editing, feedback on alignment to standards, evaluation on narrative-evidence correspondence, and other support needed before you submit.

  • Dreading opening and reading your formative feedback report (FFR)? We will review your FFR with you, identify strengths and weaknesses, and identify questions to ask your site visit team. We will work with you to develop strategies and a timeline to respond to the feedback through the addendum and on-site visit.

  • JAM Educational Group will conduct focused mock site visit interviews that address the questions, areas for improvement, and stipulations referenced in your formative feedback report. Mock visits will include coaching, strategy, and feedback before, during, and after we have conducted a simulated site visit.

  • Have you collected assessment and survey data on your educator preparation programs but now struggle to report, disaggregate, analyze, make inferences, and enact changes? Let JAM Educational Group help! We can assist with data analysis, visualization, and strategic recommendations for data-informed action.

  • Let JAM Educational Group help develop, administer, collect, report, and analyze surveys of program completers, employers, clinical partners, current students, and other internal/external stakeholders. Our team has decades of experience fielding quality surveys that deliver actionable results.

  • Do you need support reporting and organizing evidence files for our CAEP self-study, addendum, or site visit? JAM Educational Group can help you feel confident in the validity of your assessment reports and can help you stay organized as you build your evidence folders. We are here to make your data files simple, clear, and responsive to your organizational context.

Get in Touch

Let us know how JAM can assist you and expect a prompt response.